Terms & Conditions

Only the doctors registered to the Medical Counsil of India will be allowed to practice in touch and it will be validated using the NMC portal.

The responsibility of the given prescription or any medical advice is solely taken by the practitioner itself.

 Only the necessary medicine and medical advice should be given to the patient.

Prescription will be given with MCI register number and signature of the doctor.

 Doctors are adviced to take proper medical history before prescribing. Responsibilty of any wrong prescription due to lack of history taking is taken by the practitioner itself.

Sharing the personel info between the doctor and patient is not adviced.

The Amount will be credited within 48 hours of consultation and transaction done by the patient to the doctors.

The doctor approval will be done within 48 hours of submission of details.  c

1. Agreement to Terms

The Touch.com website or application (“Website or App”) constitutes an touch, under the ownership and operation of Touch (“Touch”), a corporation duly established in accordance with the legal framework of India.
Through the website or application, Touch will furnish the User with pertinent information concerning  Venues, encompassing details on pricing, availability, and consultation provisions. This service is accessible across urban and rural regions throughout India. Further elaboration and delineation of this service can be found within the Terms of Service (“TOS”) associated with it. The User, as well as their family members, are eligible to avail themselves of this service.
This User Agreement (“Agreement”) sets out the terms and conditions on which Touch shall provide the Services to the User through the Website or app. In addition to this Agreement and depending on the Services opted for by the User, the User shall be required to read and accept the relevant TOS for such Service, which may be updated or modified by Touch from time to time. Such TOS shall be deemed to be a part of this Agreement and in the event of a conflict between such TOS and this Agreement, the terms of this Agreement shall take precedence.
The User is granted access to the Website or app under the condition that they accept, without making any changes, all the terms, conditions, and notices outlined in this Agreement and the TOS. These terms may be periodically updated on the Website or app. To eliminate any uncertainty, it is important to clarify that the User’s utilization of the Website or app serves as both an acknowledgment and acceptance of this Agreement and the TOS.
Additionally, the Service Provider may establish terms and guidelines that oversee specific features, promotions, or the operational regulations and policies related to each Service (such as slots or gift vouchers). The User is accountable for ensuring their adherence to the terms, guidelines, and operational rules and policies of the chosen Service Provider. This includes complying with the terms and conditions outlined by the Service Provider. If any of the terms, conditions, or notices in this Agreement or the TOS contradict the supplementary or alternative terms and guidelines provided by the Service Provider, the latter shall take precedence.

2. Modification of terms:

Touch retains the authority to modify the terms, conditions, and notifications governing the provision of Services via the Website or app. This includes, but is not limited to, any fees associated with the Services offered through the Website or app. It is the User’s responsibility to routinely review these terms and conditions.

3. Modification of terms:

The user hereby gives their consent and acknowledges that they have read and comprehensively understood Touch’s Privacy Policy regarding the website or app. Furthermore, the user agrees that they find the terms and contents of this Privacy Policy acceptable. If users have any concerns or grievances, they can report them through the dedicated email address established for addressing customer issues.

4.Limited User:

The User agrees and commits not to sell, trade, resell, or exploit any part of the Service for commercial purposes. It should be emphasized that the Website or app is exclusively intended for personal use, not for commercial purposes.

Furthermore, the User agrees not to engage in reverse engineering, modification, copying, distribution, transmission, display, performance, reproduction, publication, licensing, creation of derivative works, transfer, or sale of any information, software, products, or services obtained from the Website or app. Limited reproduction and copying of the Website or app’s content are allowed, provided that Touch is acknowledged as the source. To make it clear, unrestricted or wholesale reproduction and copying of content for either commercial or non-commercial purposes, as well as unauthorized modification of data and information within the Website or app’s content, are strictly prohibited.

5.Disclaimer of warranties/Limitation of liability:

Touch has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of all information provided on the website or app. However, it’s important to note that Touch does not guarantee or make any claims about the quality, accuracy, or completeness of the data or information presented. We want to emphasize that Touch does not provide any explicit or implied warranties regarding the website or app and its content. We do not make any assurances of fitness for a specific purpose or merchantability concerning our services. Furthermore, Touch disclaims any liability, responsibility, or any other potential claim, whether direct or consequential, related to the use of the information found on the website or app by any user or individual.
As Touch exclusively operates as a consultation agent, it bears no responsibility for any aspect of the agreements between the service provider and the User concerning the quality of services offered by the service providers. Under no circumstances shall Touch be held accountable for the services rendered by the service provider. Given that Touch solely serves as an intermediary between the service provider and the User, it disclaims any responsibility or liability for any harm or injury suffered by the User while consultation or at any other time.
While Touch diligently strives to maintain accuracy in the Terms of Service (TOS) and on every page of the website or app, it cannot assume responsibility for errors arising from human or data entry mistakes. Furthermore, Touch is not the service provider and, as such, lacks the authority to oversee or prevent alterations in the published descriptions, which rely on information supplied by the service provider. Therefore, the company cannot be held liable for any losses or damages incurred by users due to information contained herein.
Touch does not officially support or endorse any advertisers on its website or app in any way. Users are kindly advised to independently verify the accuracy of all information before placing any reliance on it.
Touch shall not be held liable under any circumstances for any direct, indirect, punitive, incidental, special, or consequential damages, or any other damages resulting from the following:
(a) The use or inability to use our services.
(b) The costs incurred for procuring substitute goods and services or as a result of purchasing goods, information, or services, obtaining messages, or entering transactions through our services.
(c) Unauthorized access to or alteration of the User’s transmissions or data.
(d) Any other matter related to our services.
This includes, but is not limited to, damages for loss of use, data, or profits, arising from or in any way connected with the use or performance of our website or app. Furthermore, Touch is not responsible for delays or the inability to use our website or app and its related services, the provision or failure to provide services, or any information, software, products, services, and related graphics obtained through our website or app. This applies regardless of whether such claims are based on contract, tort, negligence, strict liability, or any other legal theory.
Furthermore, Touch shall not be held accountable for the unavailability of the website or app during scheduled maintenance operations or any unforeseen suspension of access to the website or app due to technical reasons or circumstances beyond Touch’s control. The User acknowledges and agrees that any material or data downloaded or obtained through the website or app is solely at their own discretion and risk, and they will bear full responsibility for any harm to their computer systems or loss of data resulting from such downloads. These limitations, disclaimers of warranties, and exclusions apply regardless of whether the damages arise from (a) a breach of contract, (b) a breach of warranty, (c) negligence, or (d) any other legal cause, to the extent such exclusions and limitations are permitted by applicable law. The maximum liability of Touch under any circumstances, with respect to any services offered on the site, shall be restricted to refunding the total amount received from the customer for the services, minus any applicable cancellation, refund, or other charges. Under no circumstances shall the liability include any consequential loss, damage, or additional expenses.

6. Links to third party sites:

The website or app may include links to other websites or apps, referred to as “Linked Sites.” These Linked Sites are beyond the control of Touch and the website or app. Touch bears no responsibility for the content of any Linked Site, including any links within them or any modifications made to them. Moreover, Touch is not accountable for any kind of data or information received by the user from Linked Sites. These links are provided solely for the convenience of the user, and their inclusion does not suggest an endorsement by Touch or the website or app of the Linked Sites or any affiliation with their operators or owners, including their legal successors.

Touch cannot be held responsible for any errors, omissions, or misrepresentations found on any Linked Site. Additionally, Touch does not endorse any advertisers featured on Linked Sites in any manner. Users are encouraged to independently verify the accuracy of all information before relying on it.

7. Prohibition against unlawful use:

By using the Website or app, the User agrees not to engage in any unlawful activities, whether prohibited by the prevailing laws in India or any other jurisdiction, or by the terms outlined in this Agreement and/or the Terms of Service, both explicitly stated and implied. Furthermore, the User must refrain from any actions that may harm, disable, overload, or disrupt the Website or app, thereby interfering with the ability of other users to use and enjoy it. The User is also prohibited from attempting to access materials or information through any unauthorized means not intentionally provided by the Website or app.

8. Use of communication services:

The website or app might offer various services, including email, chat, bulletin board services, information pertaining to recommendations, news groups, forums, communities, personal web pages, calendars, and other means of communication (referred to collectively as “Communication Services” hereinafter). The user commits to utilizing the Communication Services solely for the purpose of sharing appropriate and relevant messages and content specific to the respective Communication Service.

As an illustrative example, and not to impose any restrictions, the User hereby agrees and commits that while utilizing a Communication Service, they shall not engage in any of the following activities: defaming, abusing, harassing, stalking, threatening, or otherwise infringing upon the legal rights of others; uploading files containing software or other materials protected by intellectual property laws, unless the User possesses the rightful ownership or control of the associated rights or has obtained all necessary consents; uploading or distributing files containing viruses, corrupted files, or any similar software or programs that may harm the functionality of the Website or app or someone else’s computer; advertising or soliciting the sale or purchase of goods or services for any business purpose, unless the Communication Service explicitly permits such messages; conducting or forwarding surveys, contests, pyramid schemes, or chain letters; downloading any file posted by another Communication Service User that the User knows, or reasonably should know, cannot be legally distributed in such a manner; altering or deleting author attributions, legal notices, or other appropriate notices or proprietary designations or labels indicating the origin or source of software or other material within an uploaded file; violating any code of conduct or other guidelines that may be applicable to a particular Communication Service; violating any current applicable laws or regulations, whether in force within or outside India; and violating any of the terms and conditions outlined in this Agreement or any other terms and conditions for the use of the Website or app, as detailed elsewhere herein.
Touch is not required to actively oversee the Communication Services. Nevertheless, Touch retains the authority to assess content shared via the Communication Service and to eliminate any materials at its own discretion. Furthermore, Touch maintains the prerogative to discontinue a User’s access to any or all Communication Services at its discretion, without prior notice, and for any conceivable reason.
Touch retains the prerogative to disclose information whenever required to conform with applicable laws, regulations, legal proceedings, governmental requests, or to exercise its sole discretion in editing, declining to publish, or removing information or materials, whether in part or in whole.
Touch neither controls nor endorses the content, messages, or information present in any communication service. Consequently, Touch explicitly disavows any liability or responsibility concerning the communication services and any actions stemming from a user’s involvement in said services.
Materials uploaded to a Communication Service may be subject to posted restrictions on their use, reproduction, and distribution. Users are accountable for staying informed about and complying with these limitations when downloading such materials.

9. Termination/Access restriction:

Touch retains the prerogative, at its exclusive discretion, to discontinue access to the website or app, along with its associated services or any part thereof, without prior notification.

10. Fees payment:

Touch retains the authority to impose listing fees on specific listings and transaction fees on completed transactions conducted through Touch Services. Additionally, Touch maintains the prerogative to modify fees without prior notification. 

The User is responsible for covering all relevant charges, fees, taxes, duties, levies, and assessments associated with utilizing Touch Services.